The Childhood of Jesus
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This work is the lost Gospel of James, which has been re-dictated to Jakob Lorber through the inner word by the Lord Jesus Christ in 1843-1844. On July 22, 1843 the Lord announced the re-dictation of this Gospel to Lorber with the following words: “James, a son of Joseph, recorded all these things; but it has become so distorted over time that it could not be allowed to be included as genuine in the Scriptures. – However, I want to give you the real Gospel of Jacob, but only from the time when Joseph took Mary to himself, while James had also included Mary’s biography from her birth, as well as that of Joseph.” We follow in amazing detail the growth and development of the baby Jesus under the care of Mary in the house of the foster father Joseph, their flight to Egypt arranged by the then Roman Governor Cyrenius, where they lived for three years in a small town called Ostracine, after which they returned to Nazareth. When comparing the content of this new revelation with fragments preserved from the original Gospel, remarkable, sometimes even literal similarities could be established, without Lorber having access to the apocryphal writings.
Lovingly titled, The New Revelation, consisting of about 25 volumes, dictated to Jakob Lorber between 1840 to 1864, through the inner word by our Lord Jesus Christ, explains to us the creation from the smallest subatomic particle to countless universes. What makes this work so remarkable is that the creation is explained from an integrated spiritual and physical point of view, where everything is interconnected.
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